JACKSONVILLE (USA)- The first great white in the waters off the southern state of Florida was caught and tagged by Ocearch researchers. She weighs 2,000lbs, is 14ft 6in long and her Florida guardians have called her Lydia.
The great white shark with the unassuming name was hauled on deck for 15 minutes so she could be fitted with electronic tags. Lydia is the latest addition to an elite club of great whites in the Atlantic and Indian oceans now being tracked from space. They can be followed at Shark Tracker.
Lydia is one of 38 sharks tagged in the Atlantic and Indian oceans, most off southern Africa. Their names belie their fearsome reputation; the list includes Edna, Albert, Philip, Maddox and Mary Lee, a 16ft great white weighing 3,500lbs tagged and released last September off Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
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