PEMBROKESHIRE (WALES)- Half a mile off the Welsh coast of Pembrokeshire scientists watched a rare 1000-pound thresher shark jumping out of the water. The 16 foot long shark was swimming alongside hundreds of dolphins, trying to steal their prey: herring.
A group of researchers from The Sea Trust were observing a pod of common dolphins, as part of an ongoing 10-year survey. They were stunned as the big thresher shark suddenly jumped out. The acrobatics were caught on camera by photographer Richard Crossen who was sailing with marine biologist Cliff Benson. Photos of the shark, very rare in British waters, can be seen at Daily Mail.
Sightings of the shark are so uncommon that only six were seen in UK waters last year. In 2011, the number was just two. Many of the sightings occurred after the sharks were caught in fishing nets.
The pod of dolphins and the shark were spotted near the site of a proposed Atlantic Array offshore wind farm.
Threshers and other species of shark have been found off the Welsh coast because the sea is warmer due to this year’s hot summer.