Porbeagle shark still at risk
HALIFAX (CANADA)- The future for porbeagle sharks is still not looking too bright. A decade after being declared an endangered species only a quart remains of the population that was around in the ‘60’s. The porbeagle shark remains at risk, says a group of Canadian scientists. The Committee on theContinue Reading
Goblin shark becomes internet hit
KEY WEST (USA)- One of the most remarkable sharks is making the rounds on internet: the goblin shark. Caught in the nets of commercial fisherman Carl Moore, just south of Key West (Florida), who had no idea what that thing was in his nets. It is named by many asContinue Reading
Great white in Gulf of Mexico
SANIBEL ISLAND (USA)- A group of divers ran into an unexpected meet with a great white shark while diving in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, about 80 miles of the coast of Sanibel Island, Florida. It is known that great whites venture into the warm watersContinue Reading
Greenland sharks are full of chemicals
It was already known that polar bears, orcas (killer whales) and people build up dangerous levels of toxins from feeding at the top of the Arctic food chain. Now a study shows that sharks are at great risk of contamination in the ocean for being at the top of the foodContinue Reading
Shark drags man out to sea
ORLANDO (USA) – A fisherman in a kayak was dragged out to sea when a hammerhead shark took his bait. For two hours long the man was dragged by the shark for a ‘ride to remember.’ Reuters reported that 22-year-old Adam Fisk posted a 5-minute-video of his adventure to YouTube, callingContinue Reading
California ban on shark fins upheld
SAN FRANCISCO (USA)- California’s ban on possession or sale of shark fins still stands. A federal judge upheld the ban, rejecting claims that the law discriminates against the Chinese community in the state. Shark fin soup is a traditional delicacy in this community. Also the claim of interfering with federalContinue Reading
Interview with Shark Aid International
We’re starting a new series of interviews in honor of people and organisations that help protect sharks. From research to raising awareness, from lobbying to actions and campaigns. Meet the Shark Heroes. In this first edition we talk with Alex Wright, founder and director of Shark Aid International. “We need to makeContinue Reading