Children come face-to-face with great white
DUNSBOROUGH (AUSTRALIA)- A group of kids off an Australian beach got the scare of their lifetime. Just meters away the ocean surface broke with the dorsal fin of a great white. A shark net prevented a real encounter between the shark and the children. According to WA Today it wasContinue Reading
Tourist attacked by shark
ABACO ISLAND (BAHAMAS)- A 34-year-old American tourist from Texas was attacked by a shark while swimming off Tahiti Beach on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. The woman was swimming together with her husband while on their annual holiday, and were in no more than 8 feet of water when sheContinue Reading
Sharks attack beached whale
BROULEE BEACH (AUSTRALIA)- Broulee Beach off Sydney’s south coast has been shut after a beached whale attracted sharks to the area. The juvenile humpback whale had an injured fin and was stranded on the rock. Over a hundred beachgoers gathered to watch, while lifesavers tried to free the whale. AContinue Reading
6 Best Read SharkNewz Stories of 2014
2014 is over! But it turned out to be an exceptional year with more shark species receiving international protection and more water reserves to protect sharks and other marine species. Unfortunately of the west coast of Australia sharks are still under menace of the so-called shark cull. To look backContinue Reading
Shark cull jeopardises beach safety
PERTH (AUSTRALIA)- The Western Australian government is jeopardising beach safety by using tagging data to track a great white shark it has marked for culling. So say shark experts in The Guardian in reaction to the announcement of the State’s Department of Fisheries Friday that it would deploy capture gearContinue Reading
Ghost shark appears in the deep
ST.GEORGES (GRENADA)- Researchers found the elusive ghost shark in the deep waters off the Caribbean isle of Grenada. The creepy looking shark has bright blue transparent eyes and a slightly sinister grin. The footage was captured by a remotely-operated submersible vehicle that had originally been sent down to explore an underwaterContinue Reading
Fatal attack at Great Barrier Reef
PORT DOUGLAS (AUSTRALIA)- A 18-year old man was killed by a shark while spearfishing on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Local media say the man was mauled to death while fishing with friends off Rudder Reef, near the eastern Australian tourist town of Port Douglas. The young man from the nearby town of MossmanContinue Reading