Cuba announces plan to save its sharks
Cuban shark populations have been in rapid decline due to overfishing, demand for shark fins and accidental catches. The government of the Carribean isle has launched a long-term plan to protect its sharks. Cuba’s plan was announced after two years of work with the US-based Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). InContinue Reading
Queensland kills over 600 sharks in a year protecting swimmers
BRISBANE (AUSTRALIA)- The Australian state Queensland has caught and killed 621 sharks between July 2014 and June 2015 in a shark protection program. The protection is not of the sharks but against the sharks by the way. Among the 621 sharks caught in this program, there were: 251 tiger sharks,Continue Reading
UK scientists lure great whites with a dead whale
ISLE OF LEWIS (SCOTLAND)- Some scientists are certain that great whites also visit the cold British waters. To prove that the sharks are lurking here as well they use the body of a dead whale as bait. Cameras attached to the giant corpse will, it is hoped, record the firstContinue Reading
Sharks caught in Cayman waters, despite new law
GEORGETOWN (CAYMAN ISLANDS)- Last april a new law forbids the fishing of sharks in Cayman waters. Yet fishermen are continuing to illegally catch and kill these creatures despite the protection afforded them by the National Conservation Law. The National Conservation Law provisions protecting certain species, including sharks, in the CaymanContinue Reading
New York beach cleared after shark sighting
NEW YORK CITY (USA)- Yesterday, Rockaway Beach in Queens, New York, was closed for a while by lifeguards after a bather reported seeing a shark. Rockaway Beach in Queens was filled with hundreds of people enjoying the nice weather. An Instagram user named Patricia Carbone estimated that the waters wereContinue Reading
Australian surfers vote for ‘controlled’ cull
BYRON BAY (AUSTRALIA)- Surfers on Australia’s New South Wales north coast have overwhelmingly and somehow unexpectedly voted for a partial cull of sharks. This vote was made last night following an unprecedented number of attacks and sightings along the world-famous coastline. Surfer Tadashi Nakahara was mauled to death in February andContinue Reading
17 great whites spotted in one day off Cape Cod
CHATHAM (USA)- New England is becoming more and more a hotspot for great whites. Last week scientists spotted no more than 17 great whites within a few miles of the Cape Cod shore. While a few thousand kilometers south people are experiencing a different kind of ‘summer of sharks’, inContinue Reading