WASHINGTON (USA)- Last year shark diving tourism generated over $221 million in revenue and fueled over 3,700 jobs in the southern state of Florida, according to an independent report, commissioned by Oceana. The report highlights the stark contrast between the value of sharks to Florida’s dive industry ($221 million) and the total U.S.Continue Reading

STEWART ISLAND (NEW ZEALAND)- ‘Stewart Island will become just like Amity Island, the fictive island in the movie Jaws, if the shark cage diving practices are not stopped soon.’ It’s a statement of the Kiwi political party New Zealand First. The diving tourism around the island is attracting more sharks to the waters and pauaContinue Reading

STEWART ISLAND (NEW ZEALAND)- Is shark tourism, where great whites are lured to boats and diver cages, causing danger to beachgoers? The local residents of Stewart Island are fed up with shark dive operators and are calling for them to be barred from continuing the practice. Atracting great whites is causing dangerContinue Reading

Whale sharks are the world’s biggest fish – and swimming with them has become a top tourist attraction in the Philippines. But scientists are worried about the impact that tourism could have on the marine giants. See an Al Jazeera reportage from Oslob Island.   Tweet