HONG KONG- For the first time, researchers have traced the origins of shark fins from the retail market in Hong Kong back to the location where the sharks were first caught. Great news! This will allow researchers to identify “high-risk” supply chains for illegal trade and better enforce international trade regulations.Continue Reading

As the world is in lockdown and isolation because of Covid-19 more and more footage of animals taking over our public space pop up. Wild boars roaming the outskirts of Barcelona, deer running around in the suburbs of London, pumas checking out towns for food in Chile, dolphins spotted inContinue Reading

NORTH WEST ISLAND (AUSTRALIA)- A 23-year old man died after he was bitten by a shark while swimming on a work trip in the southern Great Barrier Reef on Monday. The young Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service officer suffered severe injuries to his leg, hand and elbow.  He was swimming with a group ofContinue Reading